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Persian Pistachios


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In summary :

If you are starting a healthy lifestyle and need a superfood in your diet, pistachios could be for you. If you are looking for high-quality Iranian pistachios online, you can visit PTN foods as one of the best pistachio providers in Iran and a producer of Iranian nuts. Nuts lose this nutrient and add it to your daily intake list. 


Iranian Pistachios

In the heart of the middle east, Iran, there are many vast pistachio farms. These farms need to have certain conditions to be suitable for pistachio growth such as hot weather and a dry climate. Drier and warmer weather is an important factor in a better-qualified Persian green peeled pistachio growth. Shelled Persian pistachios and pistachio kernels are the most commercial and famous types of nuts in Iran. Pistachio kernels go through a long peeling and shelling process. Iran is famous for its high quality and demand pistachio because it has the perfect climate. Pistachios should stay high quality for half a year at room temperature, about a year in the fridge, and approximately two years in the freezer.

There are several types of Persian pistachio such as:

  1. Round Fandoghi kernel

Fandoghi pistachio has one of the smallest kernels compared to other types of Persian pistachio. We classify the round pistachio based on its size in the following categories(pcs/Oz): 26-28/ 28-30/ 30-32

  1. Ahmad Aghaei pistachio

Ahmad Aghaei is in the long pistachio category. It has an exquisite taste and a red kernel. We can classify Ahmad Aghaei pistachio based on the size in the following categories(pcs/Oz): 24-26/ 26-28/ 28-30

  1. Akbari pistachio

Akbari pistachio is also known as long pistachio. The kernel is green and its skin is stained and dull. We classify Iranian Akbari pistachio based on its size in the following categories(pcs/Oz): 18-20/ 20-22/ 22-24

  1. Jumbo pistachio (Kalleh Ghouchi Pistachio)

This famous Persian pistachio has a round kernel and is famous for its particular taste. We classify Iranian Jumbo pistachio based on its size in the following categories(pcs/Oz): 18-20/ 20-22/ 22-24/ 24-26

  1. Green and red pistachio kernels

We can categorize pistachios into three categories of closed mouth, open mouth, and opened mechanically. Closed shell pistachios that have been mechanically opened look similar to the naturally open pistachios. The difference between them is that the naturally open pistachios are lower in kernel weight.

Nutritional facts of Iranian Pistachio

You can eat one or two handfuls of pistachio per day. Persian pistachios are a great source of healthy fats, anti-inflammatory traits, fiber, protein, antioxidants, and various nutrients including vitamin B6. There is no doubt that pistachio has a great impact on your health and it is good to know, that pistachios are a great source of Potassium and anti-oxidants as well. The following advantages are to be mentioned:

  1. It lessens the chance of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. The fact that it has a high amount of protein will cause you to feel full for a longer timespan therefore, it’s a great snack if you are on a diet.
  3. It is considered a great source of minerals.

One ounce of Persian pistachios kernels which is approximately 50 kernels has 159 calories, 12.865 grams of fat, 7.7 grams of carbs, and 5.7 protein.

Persian Pistachios usage in our daily diet

  1. They can be considered good snacks for special dietaries.
  2. They can be used as a nutritious salad topping.
  3. They can be used in oriental desserts.
  4. Iranians use them frequently in both their meals mixed with rice and desserts.
  5. They can be used to make different types of sauces such as pistachio pesto sauce.


Iran pistachio price

If you are starting a healthy lifestyle and you need a superfood in your diet, Pistachio can be the perfect choice for you. If you are looking for high-quality Persian pistachios online, you can check out Kouroshfoods’ website as one of the best pistachio suppliers in Iran and producers of all kinds of Iranian nuts. Don’t miss out on this nutritious nut and add it to your daily consumption list.



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